Art & Design

“Justice for All” Poster Contest

WHEN: Submissions: February 14, 2024, Black History Month, Awards, Late February 2024

WHO: All local high schools, CSCU students

WHAT: A poster based on Dr. Martin Luther King’s Speech, “I Have a Dream”

The poster can be based on any portion of the speech but remember to look at the concept of “Justice for All” in the speech: “Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.”


DESIGN: A digital poster that measures 24 x 36 inches at 150 dpi on the topic.

All work must be original artwork. Submission must be emailed by February 14th, 11:59 pm to the Department of Art & Design.


Finalists will be notified by February 21st and will be invited to attend an award ceremony at CCSU with student teachers, family, and friends in a room in the CCSU Student Center with food and beverages at the end of February. All finalists receive a Certificate of Award. All finalists’ submissions will be displayed on a virtual gallery, and promoted through Instagram and published in a print-on-demand book.


Grand Prix: (1 CSCU, 1 High School)

Gold: (1 CSCU, 1 High School)

Silver: (1 CSCU, 1 High School)

Bronze: (3 CSCU, 3 High School)

Finalists: Decided on design and content

All winners will be published in a printed and digital catalog,

Sponsored by The Art & Design Department
Supported by The Welte Society Fund