Art & Design
“Justice for All” Poster Contest
WHEN: Submissions: February 14, 2024, Black History Month, Awards, Late February 2024
WHO: All local high schools, CSCU students
WHAT: A poster based on Dr. Martin Luther King’s Speech, “I Have a Dream”
Photo by Raffaele Nicolussi on Unsplash
The poster can be based on any portion of the speech but remember to look at the concept of “Justice for All” in the speech: “Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.”
DESIGN: A digital poster that measures 24 x 36 inches at 150 dpi on the topic.
All work must be original artwork. Submission must be emailed by February 14th, 11:59 pm to the Department of Art & Design.
Finalists will be notified by February 21st and will be invited to attend an award ceremony at CCSU with student teachers, family, and friends in a room in the CCSU Student Center with food and beverages at the end of February. All finalists receive a Certificate of Award. All finalists’ submissions will be displayed on a virtual gallery, and promoted through Instagram and published in a print-on-demand book.
Grand Prix: (1 CSCU, 1 High School)
Gold: (1 CSCU, 1 High School)
Silver: (1 CSCU, 1 High School)
Bronze: (3 CSCU, 3 High School)
Finalists: Decided on design and content
All winners will be published in a printed and digital catalog,
Sponsored by The Art & Design Department
Supported by The Welte Society Fund